.: Greetings, fellow Gerbils! :.

Greetings, fellow gerbils!
Hey there, it's Gerry here! As you may have gathered, I am a gerbil and this is a blog about my life on this planet. I appear to humans through a machine called the GerbilMaestro, which is an exact copy of my master. I control this machine and most of the time pretend to be my master in front of other humans.
I hope you enjoy reading my blog. Thanks a gerbillion!

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Friday 24 May 2013

Weekly News Round-Up #31: 26/05/2013

Arguably the toughest week that we have had yet, in terms of exams. Let me tell you that we are all just so relieved that this week is finally over! It's half the battle won, in a way.

During the week, we made rather good use of our time. We were given the opportunity during PE to do revision, and that's exactly what we did. More or less.
Wicks and Master gave poetry readings, followed by lengthy discussions about the deeper meanings.
It sort of went off at a tangent afterwards and the conversation leaned more towards card games. This included Wicks educating us on the rules of 'Blackjack' and 'Spoons'.
And after that, we had another round of Wicks' Campfire Tales (soon to be published in the coming weeks). Not gonna say too much about them, don't wanna ruin it for you ;p

As it was our last official week of this academic year, teachers were bringing in food, etc. What made Wadz and Master's lives complete was receiving bendy pencils and retractable highlighters from their Geography teacher! It was pretty awesome, especially as Wicks taught Master's some knot-tying skills (learnt from Scouts) using the pencil. Fun times ;p

At lunchtime, the group was most appalled when there were some younger students running over the grass when they were supposed to keep off. This led to ANT expressing her opinion that there are not enough people keeping watch. She also thought that we would make pretty good grass law enforcers. Master then went on to call the group 'lawn enforcers'. Pun times ;p

Friday/the last day/the best day ever was pretty darn awesome.
An indication of the atmosphere is that we virtually ate nothing throughout the day. We were running on pure adrenaline for the best part of it!
We went to see ANT and ArwaChihuahua's Art exhibitions, which were most incredible. Wicks was able to decipher the true meaning of ANT's project: there was a painting of a wardrobe and also a lion, hence, when Wicks stood in the middle, it formed 'the Lion, the Wicks and the Wardrobe'! Clever, eh?

That's not the best thing though. There was a point during lunchtime when Master spotted the B-Cox look-a-like. Unfortunately, he had walked past before Wicks saw him. We went on to joke about how we should go up to him and ask for a photo and say stuff like 'we're really big fans'.
Well, you just wouldn't believe the opportunities you're given in life. After seeing the Art exhibitions, we spotted B-Cox walking in front. We literally ran to catch up with him and, when we were close enough to talk to him we almost backed down, but Wicks and ArwaChihuahua plucked up the courage to ask him for a picture. (Just a side note: none of us have ever spoken to him before.) At first, we think he thought we wanted him to take a picture for us, but really we wanted him to be in it. So there you have it, Master took 2 pictures of ArwaChihuahua, B-Cox, Wicks and ANT. Later on, we proceeded to rub it in Wadz's face ;p I don't think any of us will ever get over that photo.

By the end of the day, emotions were running high. However, the major downer was the fact that it was raining. If one was to take a leaf out of ANT's book, one would say, 'It's ironic that the B-Cox story was literal and completely non-exaggerated, however it did literally rain on our parades during the day'.

Overall, what a fantastic day! The assembly was awesome, with our Form video being perhaps the shortest and worst out of them all, but that's just the way things go.
For ANT, the day definitely ended on a high as, on our walk home, we realised that the skip had gone!

This has been such an amazing experience and I cannot wait to spend an amazing summer with you all. I really cannot wait for next year and all the adventures it will bring. I don't think I'll ever forget this section of my life (unless I get Amnesie. More on that later on in the summer.) Thank you to everyone for making it what it is: incredible :)

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